Why Be So Serious?

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Seriously, World!

Seriously? I serve my GOD, live my LIFE, love my FAMILY, work my BUSINESS, and have FUN! So, What You See Is What You Get!

Seriously? I’m an honest man on a mission to make a difference in My Own life and to Provide Solutions that will Influence the Lives of Others as well.

Seriously? Although legally blind, I have discovered on a daily basis ways to adapt and deal with my (dis)ABILITY. I realize that I’m ABLE to perform many tasks that others do…it just takes more adapting, time, and will power.

I’m An Overcomer!

Because of my Determination (the sheer will to overcome adversity), Perseverance (“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Moliere)  and Gratitude (When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears – Anthony Robbins), I am more than a conquerer! I have experienced JOY in ways that most people only dream of. Overcoming many trials and meeting obstacles–>head on<–has allowed me to share my victories that help others to adapt to their own particular circumstances!

Seriously? Through spending time with God, in His Presence, I glimpse a little of Heaven on Earth.

Seriously? I’m an Entrepreneur in Online Marketing who owns RBA International Solutions. It’s taken me 23 yrs. and 2 MLM experiences to find the “right” business opportunity for me. With my partner, Michael Force, we train people to market anything, to anyone, anywhere around the world! My focus is getting people out of the MLM “rut”and Scams by providing state-of-the-art financial education, marriage enrichment, and training for the disabled. A long term goal is to establish Summer Camp Experiences for Children and Constructing Orphanages.

Seriously? As I now write, I have access to as much wisdom as I need to become successful in business, friendships, marriage, and life! All I need to do is ask God for it and be willing to receive what He’s more than willing to give. Because of my joyful experiences in life, I WILL REJOICE in His Abundance-->living by faith, not by sight!

Seriously? My honest desire is to  share how I’ve adapted and overcame some incredible obstacles in my life. I want to share about my delicate journey, my sincere thoughts, and my transformed life with YOU—the WORLD!

Seriously? Is Anyone willing to experience with me the joys of life and possibly relate?

Below is an intimate poem that took me 2-1/2 years to write. It was conceived from a heart that was hurting and confused, longing for some genuine answers to comfort my mind, body, and soul. As a sincere illustration of my relationship and struggle with God, my heart finally found direction, guidance, and peace once I decided to surrender and take action for my own responsibilities.

Seriously? Is there Hope? Yes, there is! Can you experience Peace? Yes, you can! Will you make the journey? Yes, you will! With the proper support, you can rise above your circumstances. You can become a better person because of your struggles. Every failure or struggle is another stepping stone to building a life of successes.

Each & Every Day, You Can Experience Success!

TODAY…Are you alive? A SUCCESS!

TODAY…Are you discovering new skill sets? A SUCCESS!

TODAY…Did you hug someone or tell then that you appreciate them? A SUCCESS!

TODAY…Will you decide to be a positive thinker, a person of integrity, and provide Value to others?

Then, You Will Be Successful, My Friend!!!

Although you may find yourself in darkness today, there’s hope! Although you may be experiencing possible valleys that seem to “swallow” you whole, don’t fret or give up! A Great Light shines in the darkness and is providing anyone, who is willing to follow, the necessary Guidance to make it through the journey.

May your own tears and trials conceive your Own Story of Hope & Peace! May you Overcome Many Obstacles and share your victories and successes. I look forward to hearing your story!!

Oppressed and alone, I sensed my tears flow

As the anguish and questions soon came

“Should I trust in His blessed Truth,” to know

“During all my trial, the hurts, and pain?”


“But, what if I lose my footing and fall

Becoming withered, depressed, and lame?

Will my long journey safely end at all

Leaving something worthy to my name?”


“Is He my Shelter in which I can hide?

Is He my Savior in whom I abide?

Is He the Rock upon which I can stand?

Where’s my Father who guides me by His hands? “


“Bryan! I am here for you my fragile son!

There is no need to worry at all.

Remind yourself now of all I have done.

I give you strength to follow My call.”


While in shadows and valleys of the dark

I know that trials will always come

So deep within my heart a flick’ring spark

That is kindled by God’s gracious Son


God promised to never, ever leave me

His eternal love remains the same

With the Holy Spirit He’s set me free

Transformed by the pow’r through Jesus’ name


Tis in shadows and valleys of the dark

Where I see blinded fakes and facades

“Lord, Your Light is shining through,” I remark.

I’ll always believe that You’re still God!

“Thank you, Holy Lord, that You’re still God!”

(©2010 by Robert Bryan Anthony)

Yes! Seriously!

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“May you walk in freedom…” -Ps 119:45

R Bryan Anthony
Education/Marketing Trainer & Life Coach
E-mail Me: info@meetrbryananthony.com
Chat Skype: freedomquesttrainer
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Robert Bryan Anthony

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  1. al borrero says:


    this is the first time i visited your site. wow, anyone who spends some time on it, would really come away knowing you well. good site.

    may God be glorified in your efforts,


  2. Thanks, AL!

    One of my goals is to become a resource for people in need. Many people have questions and they’re looking for honest answers. I want to be able to provide them with the necessary steps, tools, wisdom, whatever you may refer to it, in hope that their lives will be a little better than when they first visited.

    I’ve been listening to people from all over the globe these last past weeks. What they need most is HOPE. And I think you and I have the answers they’re searching for.

    Take care and thanks for commenting!

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